Saturday, April 01, 2006

Tree Spirit

'They also serve who only stand and wait.'
Milton, Sonnet 16

I have always loved trees so i suppose it was hardly surprising that i ended up being an arborist until a few years ago when my shoulder finally said enough was enough. As a child i climed hundreds, falling out of many of them, but it was only in later years that i realised the importance of these precious creations.

Trees hold great treasures, they are mysterious by nature, beautiful by design, and have inspired and been involved in many life changing moments from history. In the garden of eden, the trees are the creations that hold the answers to life and death. The buddha received enlightenment under a peepul tree, and Jesus was killed on one...Tolkein used tree beard and his brothers as a parable to warn of what will happen if the world continues to abuse the sensibility of trees...the greed and stupidity of those hell bent on destroying the wildwoods of this world must be stopped.

The human debt to trees is absolute, they are sentient and are the prime players of this created world...we are dependant on their survival. they are icons pointing on beyond themselves and they should be revered.

here endeth my sermon...


Jayne said...

I often think that trees which have been around for centuries must be laughing at how we are all so full of our own self importance and denial about how very short our lives are, when they've seen so much. Oh, if only they could whisper to us what they've seen...

The Harbour of Ourselves said...

i think they have an omnipresence and grace that is rarely are so right about denial