....this truly could be the most incoherent post ever flung out into cyber-space. Really, it just might be. Thanks to a few lovely mortals it seems I have won some recognition for my ramblings here in blogland, one particularly is to blame for this kind and easily pleased gesture. Dana, aka Awareness has been sufficiently taken in with my ranting and nonescence that she deemed me deserving of the "Thinking Blog Award". I am flattered and say a heartfelt thank you....twice, thank you
So, it seems I now have the impossible task of picking 5 more 'thinkers' - well, thank god so many gems have been taken otherwise i would have had to admit this was an impossible task...Dana Anna Pip and Mike are all places of daily inspiration and make my head hurt and my heart sing and my eyes weep....what are our eyes trying to say with their tears?
Still, I guess the word 'beauty' springs to mind, it's the thread (the embodiment) which weave these people and this remarkable mosaic together, the constant of all these blogs here in cyber-space, the rich stirring that sucks the marrow of life - it's the reason I visit these people daily....
.....and also these, for these are the 5 I have chosen:
Jen is the bench mark, she sets the standard. I remember Pip sending a link to this (Sept 17: God) and knowing that this would feed my soul and nourish my heart like no other blog. What Jen has been through has claimed better souls than mine, but she is a remarkable human whose work always inspires and whose wisdom from struggles has been clean air in a world where most of the air is too angry to breath. She is out there on her own, no-one comes close - enjoy Mexico!!!!!!
The Father is a dear dear human who, in truth, doesn't blog enough - but as musicians will tell you - when it comes to greatness, sometimes less is more. He is a sensitive, kind heart whose insight into the road less travelled is a constant inspiration to me. Oh, and he is the new Lee Majors!
Maggi describes herself as an anglican priest thinking out loud about theology, life and faith. She does think out loud and the fragrance she leaves is one of a carpenter who roamed the hills of palestine long ago. It is a pleasure to drink deep of her insight and compassion for a broken world...will be watching on sunday morning BBC1!!!!
Cary you embody, as a lovely poet once said, 'the silk of who you have yet to be' - this is not a blog for the faint-hearted, but for those who wish to reach into the edges of humanity to find the divine waiting patiently there, amidst the struggle as well as the joy, then this is a place to treasure - grace and beer sister - "see you soon child, soon"
What can i say about this man. When we met he and some guy called Yaconelli drank me out of wine and had smoked so many cohiba's I couldn't see them acroos the room!!!!! He is a one off - he is Elisha - his heart for young humans and life, love, food, good conversation, God, oh, yeah and wine and cigars is second to none. You live in the shadow of no-one friend, no-one!!!! We need to catch up....my fault i know
may the God of second chances pick us up and let us dance.........
The participation rules are simple:
1) If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think,
2) Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme,
3) Optional: Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote.