Friday, April 14, 2006


...maybe we all are...lost, that is...and maybe that's not such a bad be lost enough to let ourselves be led. Maybe that is what this holy weekend is about. truth is i am pissed off tonight...yes i screw up, yes i fail those i love...but am pissed all the same...i wish i could understand more than i do. my crazy friend campolo says it's friday....but sunday's coming, and he is right, period. yet living in the cosmic saturday where you have to deal with all the shit is not easy...

i have let down and i feel let down today...sunday seems a long time coming...


LittleBird said...

peace to your heart and calm to your soul...

you are loved. and somehow it's all taken care of. by what or whom i know not. but it is... one way or another, it is.

you are in my thoughts. i'll toss em skyward for ya and we'll see what the cosmos does with em...


The Harbour of Ourselves said...

thanks cary...

...look forward to seeing the results of the cosmos...may the mystery of easter flood your soul and water the seeds of life...

p x