Monday, February 20, 2006

Learning and seeing

Crazy day back at work having had a very enjoyable and productive time with my friends in Ireland. Always good to see the Dr and Cary and their bohemian friends, and really great to hook up with Jim Wallis and go on the road with him for a few days...

Am listening to Stocki on BBC Radio Ulster and should be doing other things but a line in a song has just thundered into my heart...'Everybody learns, everybody sees, I guess everybody's just smarter than me.' That's how I feel most of the time. It just seems that most of the time I'm the slow one dragging his heels. I remember Father O'donohue explaining that Meister Eckhart fascinates us today because there are few thinkers whose thought is so complex and challenging - and yet so easily misunderstood. What is it? Is it that my mind is prone to wander or I'm just not that bright? Sometimes I think I get it - it being life in all its complexity - then a few minutes later all I'm convinced of is that fact that I'm really not sure anymore.

I feel like going to the mountains and breathing fresh air, maybe I need to go to the sanctuary, to the altar, to the eucharist, the last great mystery of life, knowledge and faith. I think when all is said and done, as Prophet Wallis said last week, when our life is hazy and confused we should go neither to the left or the right....instead we need to go deeper to the place where we learn not with our intelligence and we see but not with our eyes...

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