Thursday, February 02, 2006


'Why am I afraid to tell you who I am...'
'...... because if I tell you who I am, and you don't like who I am, that is all I have.'
Pip Wilson


Katie Hagley said...

Just read a prayer - God of Ancient Calm - that ends:
God of lonely plains
touch these empty spaces within us
where we are vulnerable enough to meet you....

The Harbour of Ourselves said...

thank you, that's so cathartic.... any chance you can post the whole prayer?


Katie Hagley said...

Sure. Here it is.....

God of Ancient Calm

'God of ancient calm let your peace still us.

God of fearful storm fill us with awe.

God of mountains widen our vision.

God of shining stars illumine our journey.

God of lonely plains
touch these empty spaces within us
where we are vulnerable enough to meet you.'

Just finished writing the service for Thursdays at the Gate tomorrow....didn't use this prayer despite the fact that every part of my being wants to share it. Yet at the same time it feels too personal, like something I want to chew over for a while before saying it out loud. Just in case it loses its magic when its read aloud - does that make sense? But maybe some things should be shared even if it feels too soon. We'll see.....

The Harbour of Ourselves said...

it makes perfect sense...

thank you for the poem, go well...

The Meaning Weakened by the Lies said...

Perhaps worse than this

‘Why am I afraid to tell you who I am…
…because if I am truly honest and you accept me for all that I am you share all that I have.’ – Myself

In my experience, those people who you can truly accept everything that is you, and who you hold no façade in the company of, can be counted as some of the most beautiful friends we possess. Why is this worse? You cannot help but love somebody who has such a love for you, and in the case of a man and women this can hold certain pitfalls.
What I am essentially trying to say is that I am afraid to tell you who I am, in case you make me love you…and I can’t have you.
The extreme compassion that is forged between genuine unconditional friends is often manifest in incongruous ways.

Freddie B said “Compassion is sometimes the fatal capacity for feeling what it is like to live inside somebody else's skin. It is the knowledge that there can never really be any peace and joy for me until there is peace and joy finally for you too.”

Sorry if this didn’t really make sense :oS

The Harbour of Ourselves said...

bloggin is difficult enough when you pour out part of your soul and consequently does leave you vulnerable, and i have to admit your comment has left me very uncomfortable

The Meaning Weakened by the Lies said...

But why? I agree with the original statement, I simply found that I sometimes it is easier to deal with someone disliking you than accepting totally. So many christians cannot understand Gods sense of unconditional love. See your blog re Bono.
My recent experiences such a friendship, funnily enough borne from the breakdown of a similar friendship have left me with an aching to not only be with a person who accepts me totally but worry about him constantly because the same favour of acceptance is returned. Perhaps I have fallen in love, this is something I regularly deny myself of, because, although unattached, my friend is mesmorised by someone else. Didn't mean to be so frank, but I hope this has put you at ease?

The Harbour of Ourselves said...

it has, thank you. Frankness is good, it was the tense of your writing that concenred me, couldn't figure out whether it was 1st, 2nd or 3rd person.

ps never heard Beuchner called Freddie B before!

The Meaning Weakened by the Lies said...

Frankness is good I suppose, sometimes easier with complete strangers. I suppose I was using no particular tense to encourage thought. It is far easier for people to read and form an opinion on concerning themselves and their views or situations than if you apply it solely to yourself. Often that simply encourages people to judge.

The Meaning Weakened by the Lies said...

I apologise for the lack of punctuation in the above blog....its late...